Located on the Rio de la Plata, it's the southernmost capital city in the Americas.
Montevideo's origins trace back to the early 18th century when the Spanish Crown established a fort, later to become the city, to guard the region against Portuguese incursions. The name "Montevideo" itself means "I see a hill" in Spanish, referencing the city's topography.
Throughout the colonial era, Montevideo remained a modest settlement, overshadowed by its neighbor, Buenos Aires. However, in the early 19th century, the city gained prominence as a strategic port during the struggle for independence from Spain.
Montevideo was the site of pivotal battles during the Uruguayan War of Independence, and in 1828, it became the capital of a newly independent Uruguay.
In the 20th century, Montevideo saw waves of European immigrants, contributing to its cultural diversity and architectural heritage. The Art Deco and Beaux-Arts buildings that grace the city's streets tell a story of progress and transformation.
Today, Montevideo stands as a serene and charming metropolis, where historic plazas, such as Plaza Independencia, and the Rambla, a promenade along the coast, beckon exploration.
Source ChatGPT

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Local Airport
Carrasco International Airport

32 m