Hiroshima Peace Park Japan
On August 6, 1945, Hiroshima was destroyed by an atomic bomb.
Photo by ajay_suresh
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park is located in Hiroshima, Japan, and was created to remember the victims of the atomic bomb dropped on the city on August 6, 1945, during World War II. The bomb destroyed most of Hiroshima and killed over 140,000 people. After the war, the city decided to build a park in the area most affected by the explosion, turning it into a place for peace and remembrance.
One of the most famous parts of the park is the Atomic Bomb Dome (Genbaku Dome), which was a government building before the bombing. The dome was one of the few structures that remained standing and was kept as a symbol of the destruction caused by nuclear weapons.
Another important site in the park is the Children’s Peace Monument, which was inspired by Sadako Sasaki, a young girl who died from radiation sickness years after the bombing. She folded 1,000 paper cranes in hopes of recovering, and now, people from all over the world send paper cranes to honor her memory and promote peace.
The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum is also inside the park. It teaches visitors about the bombing and its effects, showing personal items and stories from survivors. Every year on August 6, a peace ceremony is held at the park to pray for a world without war and nuclear weapons.