Located in the foothills of the Kaʻala mountain, it's noted for its buildings painted in shades of blue.
Chefchaouen's story begins in the 15th century when it was founded by Moorish exiles fleeing the Reconquista in Spain. They painted the town in shades of blue, evoking the heavens and the tranquility of their former home, and the tradition endures to this day.
Throughout the centuries, Chefchaouen remained a remote and isolated town, largely untouched by the outside world. It served as a sanctuary for those seeking refuge, from Jewish communities escaping persecution to artists and travelers captivated by its unique beauty.
It wasn't until the 20th century that Chefchaouen opened its azure doors to the outside world. Travelers and artists were drawn to its picturesque vistas and serene ambiance.
Today, Chefchaouen stands as a living work of art in the heart of the Rif Mountains, where the ancient meets the contemporary, and the blue-painted walls provide a canvas for the town's timeless charm.
Source ChatGPT

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